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145 Main Street, suite 202
Groton, MA 01450

Megan Carty is an accomplished colorist whose artistry is showcased through her dynamic, gestural abstract expressionist paintings. Her pieces feature a brilliant array of bombastic techno-colors and expressive mark-making that draw inspiration from the organic world. Based in the tranquil New England countryside just outside Boston, Carty lives and creates amidst the beauty of nature.



Are You Waiting for Permission to be Great?

Megan Carty

abstract artist Megan Carty makes small abstract paintings

This month I’m thinking a lot about how I was so scared for many years to create original art and try to sell it. “Nobody will buy it and then I’ll feel like a loser,” I would think to myself. “I’m not in galleries and nobody will think I’m any good,” was another prevalent thought. I was operating under the assumption that unless I was represented by a gallery, then my work held no value for anyone. It meant that my work wasn’t good enough and therefore it was a waste of time to try and be a “real artist.” This “permission-based” assumption is all too rampant in the art world…heck…the WHOLE world! We wait to be told we’re good at something before we believe we really are. I know that all of this was simply assumptions living in my own mind. Fear created these thoughts as seeds, planted them, and they took root. I allowed that! Who gets to decide when we can finally live our authentic vision? Who decides whether we are worthy of becoming what we most want? Does the opinion of ONE gallery director really decide if I’m a “real artist” for all eternity? I have learned the hard way that we cannot give away that kind of power. Our fears live inside our minds and our limits are placed upon us BY ourselves. I’ve learned that artists sell through many different avenues…many of which aren’t galleries. When we let one person or one small group of people decide our worth, we are giving away our power and our sense of faith. The truth is, EVERYONE has an opinion and they are ALL different! We can only truly please ourselves and trust that our tribe will resonate with what we are doing. Nothing is for everyone! When we make peace with this, Fear becomes less powerful and we can move forward in faith knowing we are fulfilling our own unique purpose. I stopped making decisions based on what I thought MIGHT happen and made decisions based on what I MOST WANTED to happen. I chose to have faith in my talent and my purpose and you know what? It’s working out just fine. Opportunities are flying toward me. My encouragement to you is to go after the thing you have been shying away from because of fear. The only opinion that matters is your own! The universe will guide you through the rest…and you can relax knowing that all is truly well. 

On Putting Yourself Out There as an Artist

Megan Carty

I’ve never thought of myself as brave until recently when I decided to create abstract paintings that are made intuitively…raw paintings that are made with bright colors and shapes that call to me as I create them. Unplanned. Chaotic. I used to hide behind creating representational work that showed off my skills but didn’t show off my heart or soul. I say “hide behind” because it’s easy to do the things people expect you to, right? Doing work that may not be as popular/easy to understand with the majority of people; or maybe isn’t as “marketable” is risky. You set yourself up for criticism you might not have gotten from a well-executed painting of a more typical landscape.  

It’s more painful when your personal work is criticized; but it’s SO much sweeter when it’s complimented! Deciding to make what you want to make is like stepping off a cliff without knowing what is below. Will people like it? Am I proud of it? Can I make more of it? Will it sell? Fear has always kept me from venturing into this unknown abyss…until I decided life is too short to play it safe all the time. We each have something unique and special to offer; it’s our duty to “put it out there” and share it with the world. If we censor who we are, we are doing a disservice to ourselves and to our greater purpose. I’m excited to be “putting myself out there” and that you are here to share the experience with me. Is there something you’ve been hiding behind? Is there something about yourself you’d like to share with the world but you have been holding back? Feel free to divulge your dreams and secret wishes in the comments below!

The Improper Bostonian awarded me...

Megan Carty

Hi friends!

The magazine "The Improper Bostonian" awarded me with the "Best of Boston, 2016" award for "Best Keepsake" in their "Weddings" category. You can see it here.

My custom wedding bouquet paintings have made a splash! We went to a fancy launch party and got to meet with other winners from different was a great time and a true honor. What a blessing to be recognized! 

The 100 Day Project 2016

Megan Carty

Hi friends! If you follow me on Instagram (@megan_carty_art) you will see I've been participating in the 100 Day Project where I post a small painting study every day for 100 days. I'm learning so much about my art and what I love to's been so eye-opening and valuable! Here, you can take a tour of the sketchbook I filled up the other day. I've had to start another one! Enjoy taking a peek!

How to find joy in the work we do

Megan Carty

megan carty art studio

Getting back into the groove of painting regularly has been a true source of peace for me. It's funny how something that is called "work" is really so restorative. I'm working on this floral commission in my new studio space and I am just delighting in all the natural light! I loved my old space, but the lack of light was frustrating at best. Working on a painting for someone else can seem daunting, but I've found it can be an enjoyable process when I concentrate on the lifetime of visual joy I am serving to others. I feel like I'm using the gifts God has given me for a greater purpose and there is so much personal joy in that. How lucky am I??? When we frame our work around helping and serving others, we find the joy in the process. Cool, right? Today, there is no room to paint as I must serve my children and family....laundry, cleaning, bills, and errands await! Not so fun, but I can delight in serving others and find the joy. Again, I am so lucky!

Megan Carty on Facebook Live...Studio Update!

Megan Carty

Hey Guys! You HAVE to follow me on my Facebook Page! I'm going to start doing LIVE video broadcasts over there so you can see what I'm up to in real time! I'll be bringing you the "behind the scenes" look as I make my paintings, show you my space, give you tips and tricks about art, and Q/As. I hope you enjoy watching them and getting to know me! Join me over there and subscribe so you can be notified when I go LIVE!

My son

Megan Carty

Noah, son of artist Megan Carty, age 4

This is my son, Noah. He's 4 years old and he's got the most sensitive soul. He feels so deeply and absorbs everything around him. He's also my little imp; he's incredibly stubborn and sneaky. He's just the best and I'm lucky to be his mom. He's always rooting for me saying "you're a great artist Mom! Let's sell some paintings today!" 

Noah, son of artist Megan Carty, age 4
Noah, son of artist Megan Carty, age 4

Taking time to smell, um, PAINT the roses

Megan Carty

Here's a little sneak peek of my latest floral bouquet painting. This one is a small one at 11x14 size but it really packs a colorful punch if I do say so myself! You'll see that even when a flower is pink you can look closely at the colors and see reds in the shadows. I love that about color. It's so sneaky! I hope to have this one up for sale soon; along with some other smaller pieces. Subscribe to my newsletter if you would like to know when these are going to release ahead of time.

My art has been licensed with METcolors!

Megan Carty

abstract floral painting by Megan Carty, as seen on Artfully Walls

I’ve just signed a contract with a large art manufacturer called METcolors to license my paintings with them for wall decor and other home goods for sale in retail stores AROUND THE GLOBE! This is something that came to me by luck and chance; but it’s something I used to wish for back when I thought it wasn’t possible. It’s funny how we sometimes close the door on our biggest dreams because they seem so unattainable. What makes us stop trying?

Not all that long ago, I started daring to dream again. I started writing my biggest wishes for my work on a piece of paper that I have taped on the wall next to my desk. One of the notes says: “Get art in stores...wall decor, pillows, purses, etc.”  About a week later I got an email from a stranger asking me if I was interested in considering licensing my artwork with her company for wall decor, pillows and a few other items. WHAT?!

Contracts and many questions on my part later, I am now a licensed artist and my scrawled note on my wall has come to life. Soon you may see my work in a store near you! What are your biggest wishes for your life? Make sure you put them out there…write them down so they have a chance to grow where you planted them!

Here I am doing my cheesy victory dance! Ha!

Here I am doing my cheesy victory dance! Ha!

New Studio: Progress

Megan Carty

Hi friends! I'm so excited we are in the process of building my new studio space in an old garage attached to our house! Here's a little tour of what we've got so far! I hope you enjoy this sneak peek!

Welcome Spring!

Megan Carty

Ranunculus by Megan Carty Art,

Yesterday was the first full day of spring! Of course, it snowed several inches here and school was cancelled. Which worked out great because everyone has that nasty stomach bug that's going around and I've been tending to sickly bodies. I picked up some flowers from Trader Joe's the other day and they are helping make all the difference today!

Custom Bridal Bouquet Paintings by Megan Carty

Megan Carty

custom bouquet painting by Megan carty

I am now offering custom luxury bridal bouquet paintings! I'm realizing that couples move into their new spaces together and find big sad blank walls staring at them. Now, they could put any old piece they find from a discount store on that spot and then loathe it later OR they could commission a piece of art that is sentimental, stylish, AND an heirloom.

That's where I come in! A happy couple provides a photo or two of the wedding bouquet or a floral arrangement they love and use my own abstract painterly bohemian style on a large canvas or wood panel to create their stunning one of a kind painting. It makes a colorful and uplifting impact on their home decor while helping them celebrate their marriage each day. Not to mention, it is a fantastic show-stopping conversation piece and heirloom the family can treasure for generations. These custom bouquet portraits make amazing and unique anniversary gifts, parents-of-the-bride gifts, bridesmaid gifts to the bride, or special birthday gifts. Click over HERE to learn about this exciting new offering. Be sure and sign up for my newsletter; only subscribers get special deals on commissions periodically! (there's a mint-green "sign up" tab right up there on the header on your desktop machine or at the bottom of your screen on a mobile device)

Bespoke wedding bouquet painting commission by megan carty
Bespoke bridal bouquet portraits by Megan Carty

Portland Art Gallery

Megan Carty

Hi friends! Tonight is "First Thursday" at the Portland Art Gallery in Portland, Maine...and I'm pleased to say I have 4 vibrant minimalist abstract paintings hanging! Everyone is welcome to attend; there will be refreshments and wine of course! It's from 5 to 7 pm.  I'm so thrilled to be able to share my colorful work with others; it's a dream come true! Come by the gallery this month and check out all the lovely work by so many talented artists! 154 Middle Street, Portland, ME. 

Style My Painting-Comfy Colorful Family Room design

Megan Carty

I finished this huge 48x48 inch painting (and it's for sale in the shop!)...I decided to style a fictional family room around the painting just to show what it might look like over a couch...what a fun little project this was to make! I definitely can see myself doing more of these in the future. Although I'm not an interior decorator, it can be fun to see what my paintings can look like out in the world!

When a painting isn't going right...

Megan Carty

Hi friends!

I while back I found a huge 4-foot x 4-foot canvas on a rare mega-sale and snagged it; excited to do a giant Maine nautical painting perfect for hanging over a couch. Time went by until I found the perfect image that inspired me (it had to have the right colors!) Now, I needed to create the perfect abstract background for my boat to float upon; but I just couldn't get it to look how I imagined. I used several kinds of blues and strokes; different compositions of paint, and I just couldn't get it. This is frustrating as it is, but it's also expensive when you go through so much paint! GAH!

blue abstract painting process by Megan Carty
Maine nautical painting process by Megan Carty
Maine boat painting process by Megan Carty

I felt pretty dejected for a spell as I started to question my abilities and then realized that I was fighting the process. Clearly, my "plan" wasn't working out and I needed to let it go. I didn't really want to since I'd spent a few days of work and a ton of paint just to get where I was at (back to the beginning). But, like anything else in life, you cannot cling to a bad thing just because of the time you invested. I could have kept going and ended up with an ok painting I wasn't proud of. (THAT doesn't sound good!!!!) So, I got brave and simply painted over my work; but was able to let all my different layers show through.  It started looking like a finished abstract painting right away; so I went in a new abstract direction. At this point I could have left it as it was, but it didn't look like my mission where I use happy bright colors to bring joy to a space. So, that's just what I did!

It's funny; but once I got started in the new direction it didn't take long to give birth to a happy finished piece! This version poured out of me in the most natural way and I couldn't be more thrilled with it! 

What a journey! This finished piece titled "In the Fold" is now for sale in the "abstracts" section of the site. It's 48x48", acrylic and pastel on gallery-wrapped canvas that's 1.5" deep. The sides are painted in a deep Prussian Blue. I installed a hanging wire at the back so it's ready to go! Biggest lesson learned: it's ok to cut your losses and start again. It's never too late to start anew! Something good will come of it!

colorful happy large abstract painting by artist Megan Carty
Cheerful Vibrant Floral Abstract Painting by Boston-based artist Megan Carty