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145 Main Street, suite 202
Groton, MA 01450

Megan Carty is an accomplished colorist whose artistry is showcased through her dynamic, gestural abstract expressionist paintings. Her pieces feature a brilliant array of bombastic techno-colors and expressive mark-making that draw inspiration from the organic world. Based in the tranquil New England countryside just outside Boston, Carty lives and creates amidst the beauty of nature.



Filtering by Category: Inspiration

30 Paintings in 30 Days: Day 3


Nubble Light Painting, York, Maine Hi friends! Here is my daily painting! This is Nubble Light in York, Maine. I had to do another coastal scene; summer isn't over yet! I am happy with the loose strokes of color in this one; I just sort of "WENT for it!" I must admit, though, that it wasn't as "fun" for me to create as the florals were. That may be a clue toward the direction I'm going. But, I'm going to keep experimenting! 27 paintings to go! I have another floral on the horizon (this one is to be more abstract) and I've got a sailboat planned as well as a lake scene. It's nice to have an outlet for all the ideas swimming in my head! I can sort of dump them out and share them with the world. I love what I do!

3o Paintings in 30 Days: Day 2


Colorful floral painting Hi friends!

I've completed today's painting! With her permission, I used Jenna Griffin's (of Gold & Bloom) floral arrangement as inspiration. (follow her amazing  feed on instagram @goldandbloom). It's 16x20 inches, acrylic on canvas. I'm thrilled with how this one came out; I just love these colors. So soft and nostalgic. Although interestingly,it came out a lot more "tight" than I'd planned. I had originally wanted to do something more abstract, simpler strokes, and much more painterly. But, it didn't feel right to do that at the time and here's how it came out.

bright floral painting

I think I'm going to try another version that is much more loose and see how it goes. Stay tuned! Thanks for stopping by! As with any of my paintings, please feel free to inquire at if you are interested in purchasing a piece!

30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge


Impressionistic Floral Painting Hi there friends! Happy September!

Oh boy; I've gone and signed up for the "30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge!" My goal is to complete 1 painting each day for 30 days; even if they are tiny and simple.  I've decided to do this project because I have 3 small children (ages 6, 3 and 7 months) and finding time to paint is VERY difficult. This will force me to use my time wisely and figure out how to create even when the kids are at my feet. I can't keep using them as an excuse not to paint! I've gotta just find a way and they need to learn to WAIT! Ha! Another reason for the project is to develop my style...I keep floundering on what I most enjoy painting and I hope to gain clarity this month! I go from New England landscapes, to nautical scenery, to abstract/impressionist florals, to abstract watercolor. You know, I just LOVE color and so many things inspire me! My goal with my work is to spread happiness and positive energy through a stylish painting and I think happy color is the way to do that. Perhaps this month I will be able to discern what I most enjoy painting; and develop my style in that area. I'm excited for the challenge! I hope you'll sign up for blog updates via the RSS feed thingie and visit hereeach day to see each new work; it should be fun to see what happens. I'll also be posting the paintings on my Instagram can follow me @meandwee. Hooray!

Today's piece is an impressionistic floral painting using  my favorite colors together. I love the gestural quality in the shapes and the bright colors.  It's a 16x20 acrylic on canvas. Phew!

Discovering my purpose with my art


New England artist Megan Carty Hi friends!

Why are we here? Like a lot of people, I've spent a lot of time in my life wondering what my purpose here in this world is. I've read lots of books on the topic and have explored this issue with my church clergy (we're talking years and years of exploration). Now I know that I've served a lot of different purposes for different reasons at different times. But, I always wanted to connect what I do for a career with a greater way to impact the world in a positive way. It took a long time for me to really embrace the idea that my love of creating art is a gift from God and I'm meant to use it for good in my own unique way. I don't have a drive to create for no reason; and I've spent a lot of time digging around my memory banks to connect what the reason could be. And one day, not too long ago, it clicked with me. The shade snapped up and the answer was clear!


I've suffered from the disease of depression since I was 16 years old (I'm almost 37 as I'm writing this). I've spent many years up and many years down as I've worked to figure out how to get the chemicals in my brain to balance correctly so I can function in a nice normal and even capacity. (Otherwise I'm an unmotivated, stressed, guilt-ridden, overwhelmed mess.)  After I had my first child (my daughter, Paige) I suffered from postpartum depression and found treatment through speaking to a therapist and taking a basic medication. I was ok for a while (sort of just "meh" if you know what I mean) and then suffered severe depression during my pregnancy with my second child (my son, Noah). I also suffered the same during my pregnancy with my third child (my son, Liam).  Long story short, I am doing great right now...thanks to the right medication and the right support from my family and my psychiatrist. This illness is difficult because not a lot of people are open about it and it's also not easy to see when someone is sick with it. You can't visibly see someone is sick with depression as if you would see someone with any other disease. It can be hard to recognize due to a lot of misconceptions about it.  All this was going on after I spent years trying to have children and we suffered 4 miscarriages before I had our daughter. It was such a sad and challenging time; but it was a time I learned a lot about myself and about how important having a positive mindset is.  I share all of this to say: I've been through my deal of hard times. I know what it is like and how it feels to be overwhelmed, grieved, stressed, unmotivated, exhausted and lost.

Now, I want to show other people like me that it's possible to manage and conquer depression. I believe we have to share and help each other out! So, how does this relate to my work? Well, I want to create work that is uplifting. It's my mission work is made to uplift you, to bring you joy, to bring you peace, to bring you comfort, to help you retrieve a happy memory. I see that in my own small and special way, I can take the love I have and share it with others. I can share what brings me joy and spread it around. THAT is my real purpose. To love others. To care for others. And I can only do that in the only way that I know how.  And YOU can too! What can YOU do today to show someone love and support in your own way? I challenge you to ask yourself this each day and it will bring so much more joy into your life.  It has worked wonders for me; so I urge you to give it a try! With every new painting I complete; please know that it was made out of love, nostalgia, positive energy, and the hope it will find a match in its owner...that it will bring them the peace, comfort, and joy it was made for.


The Top 5 Reasons I Make Art


New England artist Megan Carty  

Being an artist is about more than just painting and creating all day. It’s also about running a business to make money and grow…and that takes a huge chunk of time! (Much more time than simply creating the art!). As I’ve moved forward building my art business I’ve had to really sit and take stock of who I am and who I want to become and ask myself tough questions in order to gain clarity in my goals. The first important question I wanted to be clear on is “Why do I create?” What is so important about being a painter? What makes me keep going? 1. It’s a Calling.

In my particular belief system, creating art is a Calling. A Higher voice is telling me I have been given the passion, the drive, the interest, and enough talent to add beauty to the world in my own way. I feel compelled to create art and that compulsion was not put there by mistake. There is a purpose behind it. I may not know what that reason is exactly (probably not my job to know!), but I know I must answer the Call and do my best to use my gifts. I’m simply miserable when I am not creating. 2. To Serve.

Similar to reason number one, I believe my art is of service to others in some way. I may not always know HOW it has served someone, but I like to have faith that it has. Perhaps my art brings happiness to someone’s stressed world. Perhaps my art reminds someone of a happy memory or time. Perhaps my art simply looks good in someone’s room and makes them feel proud of their space. Perhaps my art is on a greeting card filled with cherished handwritten sentiments to a loved one? These are just some of the ways that my art might matter. It’s not really my job to know; but it IS my job to create. 3. Make Money.

I love to paint, but I’ve gotta buy supplies and I can’t keep every painting I make! I’ve gotta get my work out there, share it with the world, and I’ve gotta earn a living. Being an artist, for me, is a business and I want to be successful at it. I don’t believe in the “starving artist mindset.” Nobody should. I’ve spent the past 27 years honing my artistic skills and I’m not about to just give that all away to the lowest bidder! I could live in poverty or I could live in abundance and I choose abundance. That’s what business is all about, right? 4. For Enjoyment.

Number three was about business, but I also like to paint because it’s fun! I want to enjoy the way I spend my time. I’m not going to sit around painting things that don’t interest me. I’m going to spend time making things that bring me pleasure and pride with hopes that it brings someone else those same things. That energy in a handmade piece of art cannot be replicated in mass-reproduction. You can really tell when an artist created something from their heart in contrast with when they made something just because they thought it might sell or be popular. I strive to find that sweet spot of creating work I love that also sells. To do that I have to have faith that “my people” will find me and I will find “my people.” My hope is that my work will speak to someone else the same way it does to me. 5. For PEACE.

Art-making is very meditative. You are able to focus deeply on what you are making and it quiets the chatter in your mind. You have a few hours of peace and harmony before you come back to the “real world” and I wouldn’t trade that time for anything. It's more cathartic than a massage! If you are stressed about anything, I highly recommend drawing, painting, or even just coloring a picture in a coloring book. You will silence the running commentary in your brain and end up with something pretty to look at. Win-Win!

I’m sure all artists have these and other reasons they create. It’s good to stop and remember what we are doing and what it's all for, especially when we are overwhelmed with the business side of things. (what’s my next Tweet? What shall I Instagram today? How many orders to I have? What supplies to I need? Why is my printer not working? When I can get to the Post Office? Why won’t this upload to my website? Crap! I forgot to do my newsletter!) Sometimes I just need to stop, pull back the scope and remember my simple purpose and just regroup. Why do you create? What is your favorite reason/biggest reason you create? Feel free to share with me in the comments below! I love to hear the thoughts of other artists and creatives. No ONE artist is successful without other artists in their corner!